
SFCP Small Grants

Small Grants for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Training

Under the Grants Policy of SFCP (full copy available on request), grants can be awarded for attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and training sessions.

The Society expects award holders to give acknowledgement to the Society for any work done under its sponsorship which results in reports and publications.


Examples of categories of applicants for consideration are: full-time students, unemployed people and those on limited income.

The Society is a small organisation, with comparatively limited funds for making grants. In deciding eligibility of potential grant-holders, the Society has to be mindful of its obligation to spend the Charity’s income ‘with absolute fairness between persons qualified to benefit from the Charity’ (Charity Commission, 1993).

The work of the Society is carried out almost entirely by volunteers.  Trustees will endeavour to elicit applications in as open, fair and independent a manner as possible.

Decisions about Small Grants

Grants are not normally given unless the applicant has provided a current CV and appropriate referees.Small grants to individuals may be awarded by two Trustees, usually the Secretary or the Chair, plus one other.  

The criteria that will influence decision-making are:the application appears to be consistent with the aims, values and ethics of SFCP and should normally be in accordance with SFCP’s development plan; the goodwill, partnership and collaboration of the applicant is thought to be of value to the Society.

Written Report

Grant holders will supply Trustees with a written report that may be published in the Society’s working papers or on the Society’s website. The report should include the value to the grant holder resulting from having held the award, taking into account the interests and aims of the Society.SFCP – Small Grants Policy for Events – 18 March 2006 – updated 21 October 2006

Download the Small Grant Application Form


Dr. Julie-Marie ffrench Devitt