
SFCP History




Rene Saran

Rene Saran’s Reminiscences

These short video clips were taken on 16 June 2016 by Angela Hodgson and feature Dr. Rene Saran’s memories related to SFCP. Rene was 95 years old when she was interviewed. (Annotations by Dieter Krohn)

Dr Rene Saran – The Importance of SFCP in my Life

Mary Sarran,
Rene Sarran,
Paul and Jonny

Gustav Heckman

Gustav Heckmann (22 April 1898 – 8 June 1996) a German philosopher and teacher, particularly associated with philosophical extrapolations from the Socratic Dialogue format, pioneered by his mentor and friend Leonard Nelson, with which Heckmann continued to work after Nelson died.

Leonard Nelson

In the 1920s the Kantian philosopher Leonard Nelson and his co-worker Minna Specht founded an experimental school in Germany, which was based on their philosophical conviction. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the school fled to Denmark, then to Britain. The SFCP was established in 1940 to support the continuation of the school based on Nelson’s Critical Philosophy. Over the years the society has expanded its aims of supporting the Socratic method in education and now organises philosophical conferences, holds Socratic Dialogues, and publishes books.